Feedback & Complaints

Please Give Us Your Feedback
- Contact the Management Team at Porter Brook Medical Centre
- Complete the Friends and Family Test Here...
- Leave a review at
- Join our Patient Representative Group - please click here for the latest Patient Representative Group minutes
- Every year there is a national GP Patient Survey. The survey is sent to a sample of patients during January to March. If you are sent the survey, please fill it in.
We try to provide the best service possible, but sometimes things do go wrong. We always try to learn and improve from complaints.
Suggestions & Complaints
If you make a complaint we will:
- Acknowledge your complaint within three working days
- Offer to discuss your complaint with you and agree a timeframe for responding
- Investigate and respond to your complaint fully here
You can find out more about our complaints process
To fill out a complaints form please fill in the form to the right.