Student Health at SHU
Welcome To Student Health at SHU
Welcome to students of Sheffield Hallam university. The medical centre is linked to Porter Brook Medical Centre in Sheffield, we use the same staff and services across both sites and students have access to both. Here you will find all you need to know about how to register with the medical centre and what we can provide for you during your time studying with us. If you want to understand how to register and how our medical centre works click here or if you would like to find out more information on what services we offer our students please scroll down.

Infection Prevention and Control Statement 2024
Porter Brook GP practice takes the prevention and control of infection seriously.
In line with government guidance, the practice has an infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Lead Amie Kay that is responsible for the IPC in the practice.
For IPC questions or concerns please contact this staff member or alternatively the practice manager